
Interesting Interview with Mike Milinkovich

Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation, has recently been interviewed by Joe Winchester from SYS-CON.TV. Here Mike talks about some of the interesting aspects of the Eclipse RCP platform right now. One of the more interesting passages is:

At this year's EclipseCon I felt that the amount of interest in RCP had surpassed the amount of interest in the actual IDE. Do you think this is the case, and if so does this change the dynamics of Eclipse's strategy and direction to become more of a general-purpose application platform and less of a development environment?

Milinkovich: Yes, I agree the Eclipse community and the industry as a whole has moved toward viewing Eclipse as an application platform. We are seeing a lot of interest and adoption of RCP and also projects such as Equinox, RAP, and Higgins. However, this is not new as we have had a conscious strategy to move Eclipse beyond just being a Java IDE for several years now. I believe what we are seeing is quite simply that a number of the newer projects within the Eclipse community are becoming more mature and are enjoying greater interest and adoption as a result. The vision for Eclipse has always been about being a complete platform for software development and I think we are well on the way.

This match what we in The RCP Company hear from our customers: RCP and technologies like GMF, Higgins and BIRT is now so stable that they see no problems in basing their enterprise applications on this platform.

Read the full interview at SYS-CON.TV.

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