
Where to host and build...

I have a open source project, I would like to give a better home. Currently I use Eclipse Labs, but I do miss a number of services, so I would like to hear what other people do with similar projects.

What I like to see in the new project home is

  • Source management - Mercurial is preferred but Git could be used as well
  • Wiki pages for the documentation
  • An issue management system with a good integration with Mylyn
  • A simple way to provide continuous build based on check ins in Mercurial or Git
  • A simple way to provide a p2 repository based on the results from the builds
  • All of the above in the clouds... I don't want to host any dedicated hardware
The suite from Atlassian works be fine - I have used this in several commercial projects - but requires a dedicated host as far as I can see (until now I have managed to have all my needed services in clouds...) Bitbucket, javaforge.com and sourceforge.net are all in the clouds but all miss the good Mylyn integration and the continuous build...

I don't mind paying for hosting, but given that this is an open source project, I cannot pay a fortune every month...

So, to all the open source project maintainers out there: what do you do?


Ian Skerrett said...

Are you missing the Mylyn integration and continuous build on EclipseLabs too? It seems EclipseLabs does provide everything else you are looking for.

btw, for the Mylyn integration with EclipseLabs have you looked at http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/projecthosting-connector-for-mylyn/. It is suppose to be the start of a Mylyn integration.

Anonymous said...

@Ian: Well no, not really - two things: 1) it is read-only, so you cannot create new issues from withion Eclipse and 2) have a look at issue #2 "Project Hosting connector does not support eclipselabs.org"

Robert Munteanu said...

For CI you can contact the guys behind http://teamcity.codebetter.com/ . They offer free hosting for OSS projects.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the hosted version, JIRA Studio, may also be offered free to open source project, so you may check with Atlassian if you like their tools.

I got a project on Assembla, and its pretty nice - GIT or SVN hosting, Issue tracker, Wiki. I don't know if they tie into Mylyn though.

Antoine Toulmé said...

github - and jira can be free, hosted by atlassian. Never been down that path though. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

@rssIPOV JIRA Studio would be a perfect choice if only it didn't require a dedicated host. My local ISP does not support Java, so IO would need a local machine...

I'll look into Assembla. The issue manager is based on TRAC for which a Mylyn connector exists already.

Anonymous said...

@Robert Munteanu: I'll look into Teamcity soon - though it seem a little difficult to find out exactly what it is from the web site :-)

Anonymous said...

@Antoine github could be usable, but I have yet to figure out how well the wiki and issue manager integrates with Mylyn...

Unknown said...

I'm using other Mylyn connector: http://code.google.com/p/googlecode-mylyn-connector/. It works with EclipseLabs and you have full write access. I'm missing only continuous build and Git support for my project http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/logviewer/

Anonymous said...

@Andre I have tried this before, but I keep seeing an error - see issue 56 of the connector...