
Eclipse Democamp in Copenhagen

eclipse.dk will have our first ever DemoCamp in Copenhagen on 10. December.

IBM (at Lyngbyvej 2, 2100 KBH Ø by the Chokolade Frog) has provided the space for the event so we still have room for more people.

The current presentations for the DemoCamp are very diverse:
  1. Tonny Madsen, The RCP Company, What exactly is the new e4
  2. Jesper Steen Møller, XPath2, XML Catalog and XSLT tooling
  3. Bent Agervold Jensen, ReportSoft, BIRT
  4. Mikkel Heisterberg, Intravision, Signed plugins and how these works end-to-end in Lotus Notes
  5. Jakob Lyng Petersen, Maconomy, Building a Generic Client for Business Professionals using Eclipse RCP
  6. Ekkart Kindler, DTU, Model-based Software Engineering with the Eclipse Modeling Framework
  7. Steen Brahe, Danske Bank, Use of the Graphical Modeling Framework in Danske Bank
  8. Jan Schoubo, LEJLN platformen - Linux-Eclipse-Java-LEGO NXT - For absolute beginners 
If you want to participate, update the wiki page at eclipse.org or mail me on formand@eclipse.dk.
    And yes, we do have space for one or two presentations more...

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