The class runs every Monday and is a required part of the Master degree on software construction at ITU.
As the tool bench for the classes, we use Eclipse Galileo Modeling Tools, which have turned out be a very good choice as a platform, as it is both pretty solid and contains all the bits and pieces we need in the classes.
The IT University is a rather interesting place - not only from an architectural point of view - see the picture at the right - but also because the students are required to hold a bachelor degree as well as at least two years of real practical experience. This later requirement means, most of the students actually have a qualified opinion about the subjects that is taught.
The classes we teach includes the following subjects:
- OSGi
- Basic Eclipse Plug-in Structure
- MDD Theory
- Textual DSL design an theory
- XText
- Model Transformations
- Xpand
- and a number of lectures on alternatives like UML
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