
Big turn up at Eclipse Summit Europe '06

There is a very large turn-up at the first conference in Eupore on the Eclipse platform. There are approximately 350 representives from both users and developers from all of Europe and a few places outside as well.

There are presentations on almost all interesting aspects in Eclipse:

  • The new noteworthy show cases on the use of the Eclipse platform and especially RCP. Here we have already talked about JP Morgan; there are also many other examples. More on this later.
  • New technologies with a common interest as AJAX Tools Framework and Rich Ajax Platform (RAP).
  • Updates on changes in the projects.
Most of the personalities within the Eclipse project is present including Mike Milinkovich, Jeff McAffer and many others.


We are going to Eclipse Europe Summit

We are going to Eclipse Europe Summit in Esslingen, Tyskland.

This is a fantastic chance to meet with some of the leading forces in the Eclipse eco-system. There are speeches Mike Milinkovich, Jeff McAffer and Wayne Beaton among many others.

If you want to read more about the Eclipse Europe Summit, then visit eclipsecon.org.


JP Morgan chooses Eclipse RCP

JP Morgan is yet another company that has evaluated the different possible client platform and have chosen Eclipse RCP as a consequence.

In the end the choice was between Java Swing and RCP, and RCP was chosen due to the plug-in nature for the platform.

Read the analysis on eclipse.org (pdf) and read more about RCP on our web site.


New webinar on RCP

Wayne Beaton from the Eclipse Foundation and Jeff McAffer, one of the architects of the Eclipse Platform, broadcast web-wide on SYS-CON.TV on Tuesday, and delivered a first-rate webinar on 'Building Rich Clients Using Eclipse RCP.' Clearly the Eclipse Rich Client Platform is a hot topic right now, and the questions flooded in via the SYS-CON.TV webinar interface.

See SYS-CON.TV for the webinar.

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